जन्म- ७.९.१९६३.
कलाक्षेत्र- सुगम संगीत गायिका.
गुरु- डॉ. माधुरी डोंगरे.
विशेष पुरस्कार- याज्ञवल्क्य ट्रस्टचा `बालगंधर्व पुरस्कार`, अ.भा.ना.प. पिंपरी-चिंचवड शाखेचा विशेष गुणवत्ता पुरस्कार.
विशेष माहिती- गेली ३० वर्से सुगम संगीत क्षेत्रात कार्यरत. २००० साली स्वतःची `त्रिमूर्ती पुणे` या संस्थेची स्थापना. त्याद्वारे विविध विषयांवर आधारित ६४० प्रयोग सादर केले. `रंग बरसे` हा महिला वाद्यवृंदाची विशेष निर्मिती.
पत्ता- ४३४, शनिवार पेठ, नवकल्पतरु सोसायटी, पुणे- ३०
दुरध्वनी- ०२०-२४४८०१२८
मोबा. ९८२२८८५३२८
Email- pi7790@gmail.com
Mrs. Pratibha Inamdar was born with an affection for music. Having gifted with a versatile voice culture, she started her formal education in music in Jalgaon under the able guidance of her first guru, Mr. Gajanan Kulkarni. She, while pursuing her degree course in social sciences, she also sought further education in music from Mr. Raosaheb Dudhade in Ahmednagar.
To pursue education in music, she decided to settle in Pune and was opportuned to learn light music from Late. Mr. Ram Kadam, Mr. Manohar Ketkar and subsequently from Mr. Gajananrao Watwe. She has also been learning Hindustani classical music, presently from Dr. Madhuri Dongre.
Mrs. Inamdar had started giving public performances since her early childhood. She gained valuable experience over a period of time to which helped her to fine-tune her overall performance. Since her early days in Pune she had already started performing for renowned musical groups like Swaranand, Zalak and Swarali. These invitations from such renowned groups was in a sense a beginning of her professional career in light music. Today she has performed in more than 5000 public performances and has established herself as a versatile singer in light music.

The latest addition to the list of programmes is Rang Barase - a programme of Marathi and Hindi classic songs, comprising of all female artists. The only exception is a sole male singer who breaks the monotony. In this programme 17 female artists participate and play all types of instruments, compere and virtually do everything. Instruments like Tabla, Dholak and side rhythm, which were being considered prerogative of male artists only, are played in the same zest and quality by these female artists. Harmony instruments like Flute, Synthesizer, Violin, Harmonium, Guitar, Sitar all are played by these female artists with no compromise on quality of the programme. Various types of songs like Lavani, Bhavgeet, Bhaktigeet, Duets, and heavy orchestration songs are included in the programme.
Mrs. Pratibha Inamdar is the lead female singer, organizer of this group and also of the programme Rang Barase. This programme is acclaimed by newspapers like Times of India, tv channels like Sahara, E-TV and prominent figures of all walks of life. This group has performed in and outside Pune and same enthusiastic appreciation was received at all places.
Khup sunder gayaan aahe.